Guys, Let's Avoid These Style Mistakes!

Every organization has laid down rules that, if followed, will enhance productivity and success.

Fashion also has some rules! You can’t break them, you shouldn’t break them; if you do break them, you look like a clown or an uncoordinated person and remember people tend to assume your personality based on your appearance. 

There are many more bad ideas than these of course, we’re just laying out a few of the absolutes that will always be an error no matter what.

1) Wearing socks to match shoes

This is one of the commonest errors we make as men. We always want to match our socks with our shoes but it's wrong idea. Socks are mostly an undergarment and aren’t generally supposed to be visible.

2) Popping Your Collar

Two kinds of error are rolled into one here because they’re related and they’re both awful. Your shirt collar should never be “popped”. The points should point downward and the whole thing should be folded over evenly.

If you have little points of shirt collar poking beyond the edge of your jacket, you need a smaller collar or a wider V at the front of the jacket.

3) Wrong Buttoning of Suits 

Buttons are an easy place to make an error because the rules are different for different garments. Know the basics for all your options:

Jackets are never fully buttoned unless they are double-breasted. Two-button jackets are usually buttoned at the top button and three-button jackets button in the middle button.

4) Belt And Dress Shoes Mismatch

They don’t have to be made of the same leather or anything but no black shoes and brown belts or brown shoes and black belts.

If you’re dressing nicely, your shoes match your belt.

The more casual you get the more flexible it becomes but mixing black and brown is always going to be a beginner’s mistake.

 5) Suspenders And A Belt Together 

Suspenders hold your trousers up and so do belts. Therefore, you don’t need both.

More importantly, you don’t want to wear both. Not only is it an obvious fashion error, it creates a bizarre picture of you. 

Guys what do you think?  Do you agree? 

(Photo Credit: Real Men Real Style)

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